Monday, April 21, 2014

Three Months Old...

What are you up to these days?!
* You weigh 11lbs 1oz (17%)
* You are 23 1/8 inches long (41%)
*You wear size 1 diaper.
*You wear 3 month and 3-6 month cloths.
*Your personality is really starting to show! Your such a sweet, smiley girl most of the time...but with a bit of a temper if you've had enough of something. :)
*You got to meet your Auntie Kelli for the first time!! You really liked her too. :)
* You are a WONDERFUL sleeper! Usually 8-10  hours a night which makes for a very happy Mommy! :)
*You love when I get you dressed each coo and smile the whole time.
*You take two naps a day...usually 2-3 hours long.
*You are all smiles!
*You love going on the end you are usually asleep.
*You LOVE to talk! Especially when Daddy comes home.
* You finally enjoy taking your bath! You used to cry through the whole thing. Now you smile, coo, and even splash in the water!
*You do really good on long car rides. You especially did good when we went on our three day trip.
* You don't particularly like "tummy time". You get quite frustrated when you can't roll over...but it won't be long till you can!
*You love when I read books to talk the whole time. :)
*You found your hands and feet! Your hands are always in your mouth or your trying to get them in there. You like to look at your feet especially when your in your car seat and talk to them.
*You had your first holiday, Easter. :)
*You got to meet you Great Uncle Bill, Great Aunt Jennifer and great cousins for the first time.
This past month so many things have already changed!! We have so enjoyed getting to see you grow and change. We pray daily that you would grow up to be a beautiful girl for the Lord and that it will show in everything you do! We love you Jane!

You LOVE to cuddle! Laying on my shoulder while wide every second of it!

You look SO big in this picture!

Love you sleeping in the wrap. :)

In Uncle Wade's arms. (Leighton would NEVER wear a Case shirt! :)

You love sitting in your high chair! I can't believe you are already big enough to do it!


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