On January 31st, 2015 at 1:47 a.m. we were blessed to welcome our precious son, Wilson Peter Knisley, into our family!
Labor started 5:00 a.m. the day before, but didn't really start kicking into gear until about 2:00 that afternoon on our way to the hospital. We were so blessed that Jane was able to stay with her Uncle Wade and Auntie Kristina and cousin Bryannah and that she did so well! I was worried how she'd be since that was the first time away from Daddy and Mommy. But praise the Lord she did wonderful!
We had prayed that I would go into labor and could have a natural birth instead of a C-section! But we were trusting the Lord that He knew what was best as having a C-section with Jane was a true blessing...otherwise we may not have our precious girl here with us! Just the day before was my appointment and my Dr. told me I needed to go into labor either the next day which was Friday, Saturday, or Monday, but NOT Superbowl Sunday! I guess I follow directions well! ;) Anyway, so when we got there I was only dilated to a 2. One of the things with having a VBAC here in Nevada is they can not give you any medication to help with labor because of the "chance" of a ruptured uterus. I know, not nice, but that's how it is here. So we were praying that my labor would progress well. A few hours went by and they checked and I was dilated to a 4, so they were able to break my water. A couple hours later and I wasn't progressing as well. So since they couldn't give me anything, we decided to do an epidural since that usually progresses labor, and we prayed it would! Sure enough, the epidural worked and in no time at all I was ready to push!! Only 15 pushes and he was here!! 7lbs 20.5 inches long of perfectness!! We were so happy that we were able to have a natural birth! It was such a wonderful experience! So different from a C-section! We praise God that everything went so well. My Dr. said for a first time natural birth Mommy, I did very well. :)

We named him Wilson Peter because we loved the meanings. Wilson means " Noble; Resolute Protector", and Peter means "Strong Faith; Rock". And our prayer for him is that he will be Noble in all he does, being Resolute and protecting his family and faith and be a man of Strong Faith, rooted in the true Rock.
Jane adores him and just giggles every time she sees him! Always loving on him, giving him kisses and trying to share her toys.
We are so blessed to be a family of four and are so excited to see what the Lord does in our family!