Friday, October 17, 2014

Trying to Get It All Done...

As wives, and mothers, especially to young children, we tend to have high expectations. We want to be able to do it all. We think that when we have Little Ones, and are pregnant, we can still do the things we did without them. That it should still be as easy for us to do it perfectly. We get frustrated when we can't clean certain things, when things go unchecked on our to-do list.

 But you know what? We can't get it all done. God doesn't want us to get it all done. Because when we try to get it all done, our Little Ones don't get that extra special attention they need. And this time that we can't get it all done will go by so fast. Before we know it, we will be able to get it all done, and we will have those little hands, that have grown big, to help us get it done. And when they are helping us get it done, we will be so glad that we took the extra time to cuddle and kiss them, to slow down and enjoy the little things. To invest the time that we would have been doing something on our to-do list, to teach them something and help shape them into who they will become.

    We need to have realistic expectations of what we can do at certain times in our lives. Lately, it has been hard for me because I want to do so much...I want to be able to change the world. To do things that I have always wanted to do.  But you know what? God has called me to be a wife to an incredible man, and a Mommy to a beautiful little girl with her sibling on the way. I need to care for them to the best of my ability with God's help. And you know what? In doing that, I will be changing the world. I will be changing it for God's glory, raising up the next generation, making my home the center of my ministry. Because in reality, that is the only way we can truly make a difference in this world is by investing in the eternal things. Yes, living out your convictions, and changing certain things do matter, but we need to not get caught up in trying to do it all. We need to lower are expectations to reality, and then we will be able to do what we are called to do to the fullest with His help. But, I am still going to do those things I have always wanted to do. Maybe not as soon as I had wanted, or as big as I had wanted. But God and my family come first, over the things that I want. And putting God and family first...when I am able to do those things I've always wanted to...I'll be able to enjoy it even more. :)