* You haven't been taking very good naps as of late
*You can roll over from your tummy to your back, and you are trying very hard to roll from your back to your tummy!
* You smile at everyone and you bring a smile to everyone's face!
* You LOVE your jumper!!
* You are kind of lazy when it comes to standing when we hold you. You stand for a few seconds and then go limp and want to sit.
* You giggle when we tickle you and act silly. :)
* You grab things very well...and of course they go straight to your mouth!
* You are very talkative and you love talking to your feet. :)
* The only way you will sleep is if your face is buried in your blankets.
* You kick your socks off ALL the time!!
* You got to meet your new cousin, Bryannah, and you aren't quite sure what to think of her. Every time you look at her you have to look back at us and you have a look of "what is that?" on your face.
* You are very interested in everything that Daddy or I eat, so tonight we are going to give you your first taste of real food... Squash! :) we will see how that goes!
* You were in the grass for the first time a few days ago...you didn't know what to think! You didn't like to sit in it, so you sat in my lap and you kept grabbing it with both hands not sure what to make of it!!
* You have quite the cry...you are really teaching Mommy patience!!